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Courage The Cowardly Dog is an animated television series created by John R. Dilworth for Cartoon Network, which aired from 1999 to 2002. It follows the adventures of a dog named Courage, a small yellow canine who lives with an old lady named Jules Greenaway in the town of Nowhere. The series is known for its unique anime-style art design and surrealist humor. It has garnered much critical acclaim, receiving four Emmy Awards and nineteen nominations, as well as numerous other awards and nominations not related to award shows. Courage was one of Cartoon Network's most successful original series, along with Dexter's Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls. It also aired on Teletoon in Canada. Courage the Cowardly Dog premiered on November 12, 1999 and ended on September 25, 2002, with four seasons totaling 78 episodes. The series first ran on Cartoon Network from 1999 to 2000, but was later aired on NBC from 2001 to 2002 where it also appeared regularly on Toon Disney until 2008. The cancellation of Courage the Cowardly Dog left many unanswered questions about the series unresolved until its 2016 revival as a comic book by Dark Horse Comics which answered the series' remaining mysteries. Courage the Cowardly Dog is notable for its surrealist humor and darkly humorous themes, which often involving non-fatal accidents and death. Various characters in the series represent archetypes and elements from classic literature and legends, such as Mr. Mansfoot (the evil landlord), Granny (the kindly witch), and several other well-known characters from famous literary works. The theme song of the series "Cowardly Dog" was written by Daniel Amos, where it derives from a well-known poem "The Cows of Spring". The series primarily focuses on Courage's attempts to avoid his incompetent but belligerent owner Mrs. Greenaway, evil neighbors such as Mr. Manfoot and his son Itchy, and various other antagonists. The series also includes a number of segments in each episode that show short pieces of Courage's life with Jules that ignore the main plot. These segments further develop the characters by showing a more positive side to their personalities. The show was heavily influenced by "The Adventures of Sam Spade" from the 1930s, which was itself inspired by Dashiell Hammett's novelette "The Thin Man". Critics have compared Courage to other animated series such as "Family Dog", "Jonny Quest", "Kim Possible" and even Bugs Bunny. It was also the subject of an academic article on cartoons titled "The Good, the Bad and the What-the?", which appeared in "Cartoon Culture" (2004). Courage the Cowardly Dog was created by John R. Dilworth for Cartoon Network. Dilworth became interested in cartooning when he was young, and began his career as an independent, self-publishing comic book artist. Dilworth worked at Hanna-Barbera during its final years as a design artist on shows such as "The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest" and various animated tie-in projects for live action movies. Dilworth had retired from animation so he could focus more on his family life. cfa1e77820